Date: 2007-09-18 02:48:12
Joan Kwong ( jkwong@total.net
/ no homepage) wrote:
You may be pleased to know that I have played your "The Lord's my
Shepherd" last Sunday at church with success. Many people came around to
show their appreciation.
This is the first time I play in this church since I only joined them a few
months ago. There had not been another harpist around before me also, so they
were truly impressed.
Names for composer/arranger on the program is printed as H.Wilson/Starke. I
also played the Handel's Largo duet with flute, and it was very nice too.
Joan Kwong
Date: 2007-08-09 00:29:34
colleen mcnally-harris ( colleen@tmald.com
/ http://www.colleenharrismusic.com)
I love your website! I have recorded your version of "Gartan Mother's
Lullaby" on my "Celtic Grace" CD and have heard nothing but
rave reviews of the arrangement.
Colleen McNally-Harris
Date: 2007-03-21 21:38:39
Benjamin ( no email / no homepage) wrote:
very good! Great for my classical music collection!
Date: 2007-01-05 01:57:43
Catherine ( lavendarlady@rogers.com
/ http://shaunah.com/) wrote:
Thank you for everything! Including the "red hat" idea which has
brought smiles to many a face!
Date: 2006-12-28 23:03:10
Sue McDonald ( sueloves2write@yahoo.com
/ no homepage) wrote:
Thanks for your lovely site! I am looking forward to receiving the music I
ordered for my "King David" harp. David is from Hidden Valley Harps
in San Diego, CA, and is a lever harp about the size of a concert harp.
I have recently moved to Arizona, and am planning to learn to sing while
playing my harp. Your music looks promising, and "Ned of the Hill"
is one of my favorite tunes.
Best regards,
Date: 2006-12-04 20:37:33
Ruth Heley ( wrensong@ruthheley.com
/ http://www.ruthheley.com)
I sing classical music, but would be interested in doing some works with harp
sometime. I have bookmarked your publications for future reference. Plus I
was excited when I saw you are from North Dakota--a cheer for us cold-hardy
Date: 2006-09-12 19:33:50
Carol R. Lockett ( clockett@uts.cc.utexas.edu
/ no homepage) wrote:
You have some neat stuff. I just mailed an order to you for several
publications. I look forward to receiving them!
Beginner harper, 34 string lever harp
Austin TX
Date: 2006-01-19 23:41:07
Sheila Gunther ( gunther@ctcweb.net
/ no homepage) wrote:
I really liked your web page and hearing you play was very nice. I have been
playing the harp since 2000. I just love it!
Date: 2004-10-30 21:59:04
John ( jgosbee@gosbeelaw.com
/ http://www.gosbeelaw.com)
And, in celebration of things Irish, and all the Irish folk in Boston,
remember October 27, 2004 -- The Day of The Great Red Sox Redemption. After
31,458 days, the Red Sox won the World Series and put an end to the blarney
of the Babe Ruth Curse. :-)
Date: 2004-10-30 21:33:45
Brian Kretzchmar ( bekretzchmar@yahoo.com
/ no homepage) wrote:
My mother was Irish and I suppose that is why I like all things Irish. The
lady on the scrren looks lovely.
Date: 2004-10-30 21:29:47
Barbara Townley ( townley@cox.net
/ no homepage) wrote:
What a lovely site. It has overtones of the Auld Sod.
Date: 2004-10-30 04:20:53
Ramona ( no email / http://www.paintingforthefunofit.com) wrote:
Nice work!!!
Date: 2004-10-30 03:53:46
Bear ( john2225@hotmail.com
/ no homepage) wrote:
Erin Go Bragh!