You can order our jewelry by mail or by PayPal, a secure online payment from your bank account or credit card. Please add $1.50 postage for the first item and $.25 for each additional item. $1.30 insurance is required for genuine gemstone rings. If you would like to check availability or ask any questions, please click here to send an email. To order by mail, please print our order blank and send it to: Diana’s Jewels Shirley Diana Starke 3408 120th Ave. SE Valley City, ND 58072 To pay from a credit card, please send us an email listing the jewelry you want, and we will email you an invoice through PayPal. Payment from a credit card is quick, easy, secure, and does not require a PayPal account. If you have a PayPal account with a PayPal balance or a link to your bank account, please log in at www.paypal.com, type or copy/paste <dianasjewels@valkyriepub.com>, and list the jewelry you want in the “Comments” section of the PayPal form. Thank you! |